Friday, September 23, 2011

While we try to teach our children all about life.....

"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about."  Angela Schwindt

Chunk walking with his car....lovey is inside getting a ride!
Over the past several months I have been taking tiny moments out of my day to reflect on life, and especially my time with Clark. It is so important to recall, reflect, and remember that each day in a child's life is important. 
In a moment of reflection you can ask yourself, What have you done with your child?, what has he or she done with their day? what new adventures have they begun? How have you grown as a person? a mother? a father? a friend? 

I have been trying to not inundate people with pictures of Clark. Moreover, I have stopped taking so many pictures of him, but instead have decided to take my own pictures with my eyes. We sometimes loose sight as to what is important in a specific moment  to grab the camera. It's not important to capture a moment, but to experience the moment in a holistic organic way. Let the moment happen.. let your child be him or herself without letting the world know of the accomplishments and upsets your child has had. 

This blog is a creative outlet for me to share recipes and insights into the world of teaching via my son and my own educational background. I have included pictures of Clark in some postings, others I have included  phrases, quotes, and other pictures of relevance as to what I have spoken about.
I hope that you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them! 

Until next time,
There is only love <3


  1. Thank you! It has been such a rewarding venture for me to be creative with my writing. It is pleasurable and free flowing:)
