Saturday, September 3, 2011


Love is such a powerful condition that everyone wants to feel and take part in. " One of the great joys of falling in love is the feeling that the most extraordinary person in the entire world has choosen you"- Gretchen Rubin, The Happiness Project. 

Relationships take alot of work, alot of patience, and require both parties to let themselves be "known". This means letting your partner understand who you are, your quirks, values, passions, concerns and hopes. This process of letting yourself be known is never ending, more and more can be revealed over the course of time. Thus, creating a solid foundation to your relationship- it becomes more stimulating, exciting and interesting.
Spending time doing things together, creating new memories and engaging in activities that both people care about can help to establish a lasting relationship- that can weather the storms as " well as provide fertile ground for love, and happiness, to blossom",  Tal Ben-Shahar.
Sometimes, people do not want to open up to others, sometimes they believe that not being forthcoming will be better in the end. However,  when you don't open up to the person you care about, or potentially love it makes the time you spent together very foggy. It is hard to look back on time spent together and think about what was the truth and what wasn't.
I realize that I can not change anyone else, I know I am a loving, giving, kind person who deserves exactly what I give out into the world. One day I believe it will come back to me, until then I will still be all of those things and more, because in the end.... " There is only love"
Until the next time,
There is only love <3

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