Friday, September 2, 2011

Imagine your life as a journey!

In the book, Happier by Tal Ben - Shahar , he talks about imagining your life as a journey. "You are walking, knapsack on your back, making good progress, until suddenly you reach a brick wall that stands in the way of reaching your destination. What do you do?".  In the past my gut reaction was to turn around and avoid the challenge. 

But over the course of several months I have been taking more challenges, more risks and loving life more and more. When you succeed at something you never thought possible the reward is that in itself!
When you come across that brick wall, you must say to yourself, by getting through this wall, I will be a better person. The learning process will teach you alot about the adventure but also that of yourself.  
" When we commit, when we throw our knapsacks over that brick wall, we demonstrate faith in ourselves".  One must have the utmost faith in him or herself and know that anything is possible. When you have found the faith in yourself to make your own decisions, to open your heart to love, and to be happy, that is when you adventure begins. 

Until the next time,
There is only love <3

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