Friday, October 28, 2011

Weekend Project.....

Clark looking for a way to hide his leaf from Mama
 I have been trying to find new and exciting toys for Clark to play with. I've never been a fan of "commercialized" products. Over the past few weeks I have been looking at different blogs that have handmade toys and products that have multi- uses. I found a really cool idea; discovery boxes.
These boxes will be separated into categories. One will be blocks, simple color free wooden blocks, another will have pinecones, another with foam pieces, another with gears or  plastic eggs, dried beans with scoops... the list is endless. This weekend I am setting out to make these boxes!! Watch out debit card:)

When I see Clark's face when he is outdoors, it warms my heart. He loves being out in nature, of course living in Massachusetts we see all the seasons! We have fields, forests, trails, oceans, ponds, rivers, city skyscapes and wind turbines, we can travel by ferry, boat, train, plane or car. We can experience Massachusetts like never before.
As a child, I played in the mud, I was out in nature whenever my parents would allow. However I was always nervous about some bugs and reptiles. I guess having Clark and wanting him to never be too nervous around things, is a way for me to get over my fears as well.

I found this section on the Last Child in the woods website: 
Fear of nature. “Don’t go in the woodpile- there’s probably snakes and god knows what else.” “Careful you don’t get stung.” “Don’t touch any plants you can’t identify, it’s probably poison ivy.” If we issue too many warnings, the kids will just give up and go inside. Nature will seem just too dangerous and not worth the trouble.

Teaching children about the natural world should be treated as one of the most important events of their lives.
-Thomas Berry

I believe that showing Clark nature now while he loves exploring will be more beneficial in the long run.  if he grows up thinking that nature isn't full of gross things, then maybe he will experience more as he grows up. I have often thought about how I do not want Clark to be one of those boys running away from a spider or bug!

Clark is teaching and showing me all kinds of new and exciting things everyday, I never thought that a child could bring so much happiness to my life.  When we feel happy, we see more good things and it becomes a self-perpetuating cycle.
I am seeing more and more good things every day and every night that make me smile from ear to ear and make me happy!  I hope one day we can share all of our fun and excitement with our friends -new and old <3
Until next time,
There is only love<3

Climbing up the "big steps" at the rock playground!

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