Friday, October 21, 2011

Hurtful words and having too much time on your hands

I still haven't figured out how people have enough time in their days to make other peoples lives miserable. I work, take care of Clark and try to maintain sanity. I don't have the time, patience, or energy to focus on making peoples lives miserable.
To go completely out of your way to cause destruction is just an awful way to be.
I try to be compassionate, empathic, sympathetic, and friendly. I know we all slip up and gossip or spread hear-say, we have all done it. But after it is out in the universe there is no way of getting it back. Not only are you showing a "catty-side" but you are creating animosity between people.
Recently, I got caught up in a similar situation. I was not the one who opened my mouth, but I was the one that got the "shit end of the stick". I was upset at first, but then I choose to use it as a learning experience. From that moment I decided to stop the cycle of rumors. I don't find it appealing or worth my time. Of course people will still talk, but its up to you (or me) to decide to just be a listener and not engage in this negative dialogue. I have found that my life is lighter and I feel good about the choices that I have made regarding this destructive behavior.

It is not up to me, or you to decide what is acceptable behavior or unacceptable behavior. We may not want to live someone elses life, but who wants to live yours (or mine)?!?!?
People every day make choices that are right for them, for their family. It is not up to someone else to decide that their lifestyle or commitments are wrong.
I tend to want to be happy for people. If they find someone to share their life with then go on and be happy. If they are looking for other aspects and are happy with their choices,it is not up to me or you to look down upon them.

I think we have to take a step back and remember that we are all human, we all make mistakes but that is what life is all about. It is about using those "mistakes" or bumps  in the road to engage in dialogue with ourselves to move forward. To learn about ourselves and  remember that all the choices you have made and the times you have avoided this negative behavior will  make you a better person.

Today, I saw the impact on an awful rumor that was started. To see someone who in my eyes is dedicated and making a life for his family, be sideswiped by someone who should have been trustworthy is just plain disgusting. 
I hope people one day can be kind... that is the kind of world I want for Clark.
Until next time,
There is only love <3

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