Tuesday, November 8, 2011


There are moments in my life, when I wonder how I got along before Clark was born. His sense of curiosity, love, and humor is in my eyes, the best. The happiness that is exuded when I see him at the end of my long work day  is such an unconditional feeling. He reciprocates with his usual run, hug and smile. That smile can melt away any stress from the day.
A few nights ago, he wanted me to read him a story, when I wasn't fast enough to sit with him, he decided to read to himself. This is what I walked in on......
Clark thought bubble would say.....
  " I'll have to remember that"
The vision of Clark reading "The Happiest Toddler on the Block" was just to funny not to capture!
These are the moments where I sit back and laugh at the things he does.

I decided this year to make simple notecards with one of Clark's paintings. I will include a small picture of Clark for family and friends. Usually, I would have been to the portrait studio a bunch of times, trying to capture his best side, then mulling over which would be the best to send out. This year I am going the simple route. I have found that simple is better in many circumstances over the past few months.  Clark used watercolors to paint his picture! I can not wait to see the end result! 

When painting Clark was exploring the colors, texture of the bristles on the brushes, and of course tasting the watercolor. I use liquid watercolors for a more vibrant color palette. Clark seemed to really enjoy the process... and in the end it is about the process not the product. We had a great time painting and laughing at the drops that would fall on the paper and the sound that would occur when such a drop happened. (  Ie, Mama saying " pppppplop! pppppplop! ppppplop!" )
Painting and exploring on a Sunday afternoon!

My joy other than Clark is to create, to paint, to use my creativity to produce something. I love that Clark at this moment enjoys those things as well.

Until next time,
There is only love <3

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