Saturday, December 31, 2011

Ringing in the New Year

When I was younger, my parents would have huge parties at our house for New Year's eve. Food was always outdone, chatting, laughing and watching the ball drop was so much fun! Our parent's friends would be there and most of them had kids our age. While our parents were socializing, Ian and I would be with our friends playing games and munching on all kids of food.
A few minutes before midnight my mother would gather everyone outside, all armed with pots, pans and all kinds of cooking utensils. When we were given the word  (at the strike of midnight) we would bang the crap out of those pans. The neighbors would all be shouting and clapping and knew exactly where the noise was coming from.
We would have so much fun and lots of laughs! After a few minutes we would all go back in the house.

I think its because I am getting older, but I miss those moments.I miss having crowds over, food over flowing, laughs and great memories. I guess its all a part of growing up...  but my resolution is to have more of those moments.

So here is to everyone out there feeling the same way....  Happy New Year's!
Until next time,
There is only love <3

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